Hirotsugu Seike


  • Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka, “Evaluating Off-chain Transaction Queueing Delay to Ensure Data Integrity by Blockchain,” IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics 2023, Apr. 2023.

  • Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka, “Blockchain-based Scalable Ubiquitous Code Allocation Method Resilient to Congestion,” IEEE International Conference on Blockchain 2021, Dec. 2021.

  • Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka, "Towards Smart Contracts for verifying DNN model generation process with the blockchain,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2021, Mar. 2021.

  • Hirotsugu Seike, Yasukazu Aoki and Noboru Koshizuka, "Fork Rate-based Analysis of the Longest Chain Growth Time Interval of a PoW Blockchain,” IEEE International Conference on Blockchain 2019, Jul. 2019.

  • Hirotsugu Seike, Takeo Hamada, Takahiro Sumitomo and Noboru Koshizuka, “Blockchain-based Ubiquitous Code Ownership Management System without Hierarchical Structure,” IEEE SmartWorld 2018, Oct. 2018.



  • 清家大嗣, 清家彰敏「日本経営品質学会22周年記念誌 ー22年の歩みー (第11章) - 世界企業トヨタ自動車・ソニーグループの経営品質 -」日本経営品質学会 (編集), 2023.